What is STEP AHEAD ?

A health improvement program where you work

Step Ahead is a program for all school employees, developed to help you improve your health right here where you work. The Step Ahead goal is to make it easy and fun for you to get healthier—one step at a time. Step Ahead is a research project funded by the National Cancer Institute. Twelve Massachusetts public high schools are participating.

Helping you be more active

Step Ahead will help you squeeze regular exercise into your busy workday. Here’s a sampling of Step Ahead offerings:

  • Mapped walking routes inside and outside the school building to make it easy for you to take a walking break.
  • Exercises that you can do for a quick break or energizer.
  • Tools to help you get more active and keep track of your progress.

Helping you eat better

Making healthy eating choices on and off the job will be easier, thanks to Step Ahead. Watch this website for:

  • Ideas for healthy brown bag, take-out and restaurant meals.
  • Tools to help you eat healthy, including recipes, healthy menu options, and tools to help you keep track of your progress.

Helping you stay at or reach a healthy weight

Step Ahead can help you achieve your weight maintenance or weight loss goals. Our materials include:

  • The role of eating and exercise habits in weight management.
  • The pros and cons of dieting to lose weight and maintain weight loss.
  • Updates on research into weight control and how it applies to you.
  • Tools for weight management including weight change charts, goal setting techniques, and more.

Helping you feel better

What’s the Step Ahead payoff for you?

  • Eating well and getting fit reduces your risk of several serious chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and even some forms of cancer.
  • Regular exercise can reduce stress and feelings of depression.
  • Combine healthier eating with daily physical activity, and you have a healthy, enjoyable way to gradually lose weight or stop weight gain.
  • A healthy, active lifestyle can help you look and feel younger. You'll also have more energy on the job and at home with your family.
To learn more about healthy eating, physical activity and healthy weight, check out these related links:

Division of Preventive and Behavioral Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Supported by Grant # R01 CA132941 from
The National Cancer Institute






Click here for our
fabulous collection of
healthy recipes.



Many of the tools that you will find on this website can be downloaded using Adobe Reader. If you do not have Adobe Reader installed on your computer, you can download a free copy here.


Physical Activity
Healthy Weight
Tools for Healthy Living
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