An official website of the United States government

Eligibility Criteria

If your evidence-based cancer control program meets all of the inclusion criteria listed below, please visit the on-line program registration form to submit the information regarding your program for further consideration for the EBCCP website.

Program Eligibility Criteria:
  1. Outcome finding(s) must be published in a peer-reviewed journal.
  2. The study must have produced one or more positive behavioral and/or psychosocial outcomes (p≤.05) among individuals, communities, or populations.
  3. Evidence of outcomes must be demonstrated in at least one study, using an experimental or quasi-experimental design; Experimental designs require random assignment, a control or comparison group, and pre- and post- assessments. Quasi-experimental designs do not require random assignment but do require a comparison or control group and pre- and post- assessments. Studies that are based on single-group, pre-/post-test designs do not meet this requirement.
  4. The program must have messages, materials, and/or other components that include English and can be disseminated in a U.S. community or clinical setting.
  5. The program must have been evaluated within the last 10 years.

If your program does not meet these criteria but you would like to find out how it might, please contact us for more information.

Outcomes Matrix

EBCCP Program Areas Behavioral and/or Psychosocial Outcomes Cognitive Change Outcomes
(i.e., changes in: knowledge, risk perception, decisional satisfaction)
Breast Cancer Screening X s
Cervical Cancer Screening X s
Colorectal Cancer Screening X s
Diet/Nutrition X s
HPV Vaccination X     See below s     See below
Informed Decision Making X X
Obesity See below N/A
Physical Activity X s
Public Health Genomics X X
Sun Safety X s
Survivorship/ Supportive Care X X
Tobacco1,2,3 X s
X = Required as a primary outcome. A minimum of one outcome ("X") must be met for the specified program area.

s = Permitted as a secondary outcome. Primary outcome requirement must be satisfied.

N/A = Not Applicable.

1 - Cessation outcomes must show statistical significance for at least 6 months post-intervention, at follow-up and must demonstrate a minimum of 7-day point prevalence abstinence or continuous abstinence for the study sample, at follow-up.

2 - Prevention outcomes must show statistical significance for at least 12 months post-intervention, at follow-up.

3 - For second hand smoke exposure, one of the following primary outcomes must show statistical significance.
  • Decrease in ambient nicotine level
  • Should measure the urinary cotinine/creatinine ratios
  • Increase in banning smoking indoors
Obesity1 Outcomes Primary Outcome Secondary Outcome
Section 1 - Obesity behavioral outcomes BMI X
Weight loss/Weight maintenance/Weight gain prevention2 X
Percent body fat/lean mass/body composition X
Reduced screen time X
Waist circumference X
Waist-hip ratio X
Skin-fold thickness X
BMI Percentile/Weight status (for children) X
MRI of fat deposits X
Section 2 - Obesity relevant behavioral outcomes - intervention effects can assess behavioral outcomes on diet, physical activity or both as means to monitor effects on energy balance. Diet/Nutrition
Dietary fat intake/consumption s
Fruit & vegetable intake/consumption s
Serving/portion size s
Reduced caloric intake s
Physical Activity
Physical activity (strength or aerobic) s
Performance on fitness tests s
METS-Metabolic Equivalent hours, Minutes of PA s
Reduced sedentary behavior s
Section 3 - Obesity relevant physiological outcomes Cardiovascular fitness s
Reduction in blood pressure s
Lipids/HDL/LDL serum levels s
Glycemic level (HbAlc) or measure of insulin sensitivity s
Reduction in C-Reactive Protein s
Sleep apnea/disruption of sleep patterns s
Section 4 - Obesity relevant psychosocial outcomes Depression X
Self-esteem X
Self-efficacy X
Body image satisfaction X
Self-worth X
Quality of life X
Negative eating behaviors X
X = Required as a primary outcome. A minimum of one outcome ("X") from Section 1 or 4 must be met for the Obesity program area. If there are no primary outcomes from either Section 1 or 4, the program cannot be considered for the Obesity program area, but may be considered for other appropriate EBCCP program areas. If only a Section 4 outcome is included, then the study sample must be characterized as being overweight or obese.

s = Permitted as a secondary outcome based on the following conditions:
- Section 3 outcomes can be evaluated as long as 1 or more positive outcomes from Section 2 are also present in the intervention study. Section 3 outcomes cannot be considered alone.

1 - For a study to be designated as an obesity intervention, the study sample and research intent must reflect obesity characteristics. This should be evident in the main outcome publication used for EBCCP evaluation.

2 - The Intervention study from baseline assessment to follow-up needs to be at least 12 weeks when evaluating these outcomes.
HPV Vaccination Outcomes Primary Outcome Secondary Outcome
Section 1 - HPV Vaccination Behavioral and/or Psychosocial Outcomes HPV vaccine uptake or initiation X
Increase in communication between parents and children X
Provider communication with parents X
Increase in schools requiring the HPV vaccine prior to enrollment X
HPV vaccine series completion X
Section 2 - HPV Vaccination Cognitive Change Outcomes
(i.e., changes in: knowledge, risk perception, decisional satisfaction)
Increase in awareness and knowledge of HPV vaccine s
Change in attitude about the HPV vaccine s
Change in beliefs about HPV vaccine s
Intention to receive the HPV vaccination s
X = Required as a primary outcome. A minimum of one outcome ("X") must be met for the specified program area.

s = Permitted as a secondary outcome. Primary outcome requirement must be satisfied.