Dr. Karen Cullen's main research interest area is the prevention of obesity and diet-related chronic diseases. Her current projects include the development and evaluation of a website on healthy eating and physical activity for high school students; the evaluation of a web-based program on healthy eating for African-American families; the exploration of strategies to increase school breakfast consumption in middle schools, and dissemination of a video intervention on improving the family home food environment and food parenting tips for Cooperative Extension EFNEP classes.
She currently serves as a member of the IOM Committee to Review the Child and Adult Food Care programs. She also served on the IOM Committee to Review the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program Meal Patterns and Nutrient Standards in 2008-2009.
Questions & Answers
These sessions could be used by many groups. The videos and recipe preparation may be an issue, but could be deleted. Printing the goal sheets may be problematic. The session guide and handouts can be used alone in an intervention.
The short videos stimulate conversation from the group as they see mothers like them concerned about issues influencing foods and feeding their families.
Fidelity to the session guide and participation rate.
The impact of the new school NSLP and competitive food rules on student consumption at school.