Dr. Alexander V. Prokhorov is currently Katherine Russell Dixie Distinguished Professor in Pediatrics in the Department of Behavioral Science. He acts as Director of the Tobacco Outreach Education Program (TOEP), Co-Director of the Duncan Family Institute eHealth Technology Program, and since 2015 - Director of Youth and Family Cancer Prevention Program.
Questions & Answers
The intervention materials for Project CASA target Hispanic households with at least one adult smoker and youth aged 4-14 years. The intervention materials can be modified to address diverse cultures. In particular, this intervention can be adapted for African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans and other ethnicities. Cultural modification is limitless as long as all of the intervention materials are evidenced-based and show cultural efficacy before dissemination. This program could also be adapted to young adults that may be exposed or exposing others to SHS.
The facilitators could include a variety of health educators that have in interest in the health of children and families. This includes but is not limitedto health care providers, school nurses, counselors, coaches, parents, and other researchers. As with many interventions, challenges and obstacles to implementation may include a lack of resources to test the developed intervention among various cultural groups, a necessary step before dissemination. Additional challenges may include identifying an appropriate vehicle for the delivery of the intervention and a means for monitoring effectiveness once it is delivered. Also, as cultural norms change, all intervention materials should be updated and reevaluated for efficacy.
As previously discussed, it will be important for any practitioner to evaluate adaptations to the program to ensure that the newly introduced or adaptedversions are effective and accepted within the target population. A measure of acceptance is a valuable tool to determine if the materials are culturallysensitive. Also, conducting a pre and post knowledge test can be an effective tool. Project CASA utilizes a 24 item knowledge measure that canbe easily adapted. Before adapting the materials to other cultures, it would be important that the various levels of culture are examined including cultural knowledge, awareness, sensitivity, and competence to ensure the adapted program is addressing all areas.
Reducing the risk of tobacco-related diseases among youth and families continues to be our focus. Our current work involves informing the FDA of effective health communication strategies that communicate risks of conventional and new and emerging product use to young adults, the development of an curricula about conventional and new and emerging products, the continued development of apps, prevention and cessation research with our military personnel, programs for people in underserved communities and the continued dissemination of our evidence-based ASPIRE prevention and cessation program at the local, state, national andinternational levels.