Program Materials Listing
Introduction to Physician Interventions
Program introduction for physicians
Nurses: Help Your Patients Stop Smoking
Intervention manual for nurses
Readability Score:
Grade 5.0
What Nurses Can Tell Their Patients About Smoking
Dialogue suggestions for nurses
Smoking Intervention: Opportunities for Office Nurses
Smoking article for nurses
The "Five A's" of Counseling
Counseling strategies
Responses to Patients' Reasons for Continuing to Smoke
Dialogue suggestions
Smoking Cessation Resource Directory
45 deg angle
Readability Score:
Grade 11.0
Stages of Change Flow Chart
Smoking cessation flow chart
Guidelines for Using the Nicotine Transdermal Patch
Nicotine patch guidelines
The Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation: A Report of the Surgeon General, 1990
1990 Surgeon General's report about smoking cessation
Readability Score:
Grade 10.0
Thinking About Quitting?/Does This Sound Familiar? (Tent card)
Tent card about smoking
Readability Score:
Grade 3.0
Smoking Cessation Counseling Flow Chart
Flow chart
The New Vital Sign: Assessing and Documenting Smoking Status
Article about assessing and documenting patients' smoking status
Follow-Up Letter to All Smokers
Sample letter from physicians to patients
Readability Score:
Grade 10.0
Smoking Assessment Form
Assessment form for physicians
Enlisting the Help of Office Staff
Encouraging office staff involvement to promote smoking cessation for patients
The Smoke Around You: The Risks of Involuntary Smoking
The dangers of second-hand smoke
Readability Score:
Grade 9.0
Some Good Reasons to Stop Smoking Now
Benefits of smoking cessation
Readability Score:
Grade 8.4
So You Don't Want to Quit Right Now!
Suggestions for quitting smoking
Readability Score:
Grade 3.8
Thinking About Quitting Smoking?
Self-provided list of reasons to quit smoking
The Cost of Smoking
Sample costs associated with smoking
Readability Score:
Grade 2.8
Precontemplation/Contemplation - Desk prompt card
Hand-out card for patients
Readability Score:
Grade 7.0
Preparation/Action - Desk prompt card
Hand-out card for patients
Readability Score:
Grade 7.0
Relapse/Maintenance - Desk prompt card
Hand-out card for patients
Readability Score:
Grade 7.0
Clearing the Air: How to Quit Smoking and Quit for Keeps
Suggestions for quitting smoking
Readability Score:
Grade 8.5
Tips to Help You Stay Smoke-Free
Suggestions for quitting smoking
Readability Score:
Grade 8.0
Coping with the URGE! To SMOKE!
Checklist of tips used for smoking cessation
Readability Score:
Grade 5.0
A Slip Does Not a Relapse Make
Suggestions for smoking relapse
Readability Score:
Grade 4.0
Huff 'n' Puff
Illustrated short story about the results of smoking
Readability Score:
Grade 4.5
Don't Bite Off More than You Should Chew
Information about smokeless tobacco
Readability Score:
Grade 7.8
The Decision is Yours
Illustrated article about the results of tobacco use
Readability Score:
Grade 10.5
Children and Smoking: A Message to Parents
The impact of smoking on children
Readability Score:
Grade 8.0
Physicians Counseling Smokers Office Practice Newsletter, Spring 1992
Physicians' newsletter
Good News for Smokers 50 and Older
Reasons for quitting smoking after age 50
Readability Score:
Grade 5.5
Nicotine Replacement Therapy During Pregnancy
Article about nicotine replacement therapy vs. smoking during pregnancy
Smoking Cessation and Weight Gain: Facts and Recommendations
Information about weight gain and smoking cessation
Readability Score:
Grade 11.5
- Program materials used in this research project may be downloaded and saved from this site. The material may be used "as is" or may be modified and adapted for your context.
- You may review each item individually by selecting the links provided. The program has been archived and cannot be ordered.
Adaptation Guidelines:
- Program Adaptation Guidelines: provides tips on how to ensure your program's optimal success in your community's setting when adapting materials that were designed and tested within a controlled research study. Before adapting programs, users should review current literature, guidelines, and other evidence reviews to update the program materials.
- Putting Public Health Evidence in Action: an interactive training curriculum to support community program planners and health educators in developing skills in using evidence-based approaches.
Updated: 04/28/2009